Telehealth Consultations

Through video or phone technology, our Telehealth Clinicians privately and securely help treat most medical needs, sicknesses or injuries. They can provide treatment and prescriptions direct to your Pharmacy along with health counselling and off-work certificates, as well as much more.

If you need to be seen in-person your Teleheath Clinician will provide advice on the next steps in your care plan and once complete our Practice team can assist with any next steps.

The notes of your appointment are recorded exactly the same as an in-person consultation.

We understand that you are used to seeing a Clinician in-person but due to the nationwide shortage of GP’s this isn’t currently possible in all situations.  Therefore, to ensure you can see a Clinician promptly we are utilising Telehealth clinicians to assist us.

The consultation fee is the same for an in-person or Telehealth consultation.

Please ask our Admin team if you have any additional questions.